Sunday, 24 March 2013


For more than 35 years, SEGI University Group (SEGI) has equipped graduates from diverse backgrounds with exceptional foundations for career achievement and personal success.
SEGI University
No.9, Jalan Teknologi, Taman Sains Selangor, Kota Damansara, PJU 5, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
                                        (SWIMMING POOL)   three malay guys were swimming !!!!!

I think It was going to rain soon!!!!

                                                 I am studying degree in TESL at Segi University in May
That day, i came here for registration my degree course because that is said by my consultant if i apply early , i will get the early bird promotion for RM 1000 rebate. Unfortunately, due to my SPM result is not good in English , so i was not able to register TESL in that time. However , my SPM result that i resat in last year will release the day after tomorrow. I was surprised that i managed to score B  in my English .... Finally , i could apply TESL in Education Fair in Mid Vally.   

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Shopping Excursion!!!!!

 13/3/13 is unique,  we were going to Sunway PUtra shopping mall to do our observation.
 This shopping mall original name is "The Mall", but i don't know why Sunway bought it last year.....

First, we decided to choose our favorite spot brands, which mean Adidas, Purma and Nike.

 I found that all the T-shirt got 70% discount, If you bought  more than 5, you would get  free 1 t-shirt. It's cheap......

The is the promotion banner  and i found that is so ridiculous....because What year was that mentioned??

SO many shoes.............................
Finally,  when i was capturing this photo, suddenly the worker came and  told us no PHOTO TAKEN here!!!!!!
After that, shay said " we need it to do project!", they all suddenly changed face and allow us to take photo as many as we could..... they also invite us to take photo with them, but i didn't ......... we were thought that to be a journalist or reported because of the lanyard.

At the end !!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Vegetarian Restaurant

 We celebrated Wesley's birthday party in this restaurant to having a delicious steamboat at night on 13 of march. It is a unforgettable memory for Wesley.
Restaurant Vegetarian 棗子樹
(85, Jalan Kepong, Taman Fadason,52000 Kepong KL.)

Look stylish and indifferent vegetarian restaurant which in the area of Kepong. Most importantly, If you want a steamboat, you have to book for it by the following day because they need time to prepare the dishes of steamboat and keep fresh in refrigerator.       
Our friends joined us as well. We sat out of the restaurant and choose extra dishes in case we not enough to eat. They are many kind of food not only steamboat such as rice ,noodles, porridge. I love it very much because the food is so nice and the prices.   
This is all about the tools before we start our steamboat. The tool which is on the middle is stove of small c.
The rest of tools are bowl, spoon and plate.

This is the Vegetarian Fried Rice With Chinese Mahogany. The most importantly the fried rice is enough hot furnace and you have a great taste in Chinese Mahogany ~

This picture show a clay pot of  Vegetarian Fish Fillet Porridge. When you try to taste it, you will get a good taste and it feel extremely silky and tasty~

This is the two flavour of soup, there are Tom Yam and light soup.The soup is using the vegetables to made it and without any flavoring inside the soup therefore we are not feel thirsty when we finished the steamboat. 
This is a bottle of non alcohol Fruit Champagne. After we having the steamboat, we are able to have a cool beverage. If you drink with ice, the taste will be more better. especially after we had a hot dishes. 

Let's drink~ and not forget to cheers~ This is our gesture of champion. We are the world~ we are the champion~

He is one of my roommate. When you look at his face, it will sure you how delicious they are.

This is also one of our friend who enjoyed the steamboat. 

After put part of the dishes inside the boiler, next step is to wait until it cooked. Indeed, the soup can be refill if not enough. Most significant point is we have to continuously eat all the food inside until the boiler is empty. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

It is useful for students to search infomation in wikipedia. Do you agree or disagree ?

Today I was  had learned the lessons The Internet largest encyclopaedia and it is well known that 'Internet dictionary'.  

Monday, 11 March 2013

Education ... who are the teachers must see.....


Towards Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Young Learners

This is a summary of a webinar hosted by Cambridge English Teacher and presented by Herbert Puchta on October 10th, 2012.

The 'attention-grabbing' approach to teaching

Even very young children are able to think, attend and remember, but their thinking, attending and memory are very reactive.  Children growing up today are subjected to sensory overload constantly.  Television, for example, is fast-paced, loud, full of movement, and has colourful, constantly changing scenes.  As a result, today's youngsters have very short attention spans.

'Reactive learners' need fast-paced, sensory bombardment to learn even very simple information.  This leads to the teacher being an entertainer which is totally exhausting.

Learning as a 'self-directed activity'
  • Children increasingly learn to direct their attention, memory and problem-solving skills on their own.
  • Children gradually take more and more responsibility for their own learning.
  • Children acquire the mental tools to help them think better.
  • Tools of the mind (mental/cognitive tools) help to extend a child's cognitive capabilities.
  • Tools of the mind reduce the workload for the teacher.

Why teach thinking skills?
  • Children need to face the challenges of a changing and unpredictable world.
  • They need problem-solving and decision-making skills to meet unexpected problems and tackle them.
  • School curricula tend to promote systematic, error-free learning - correct answers, assimilation of facts, teacher's assessment.

The importance of divergent thinking

Divergent thinking (as opposed to convergent thinking) is extremely important - students need to learn that there is not necessarily one right answer.  You can teach this by asking questions like:

Write down as many different uses as you can think of for:
  • a button
  • a brick
  • a blanket
Here, you are encouraging children to think outside the box.

What does critical thinking involve?
  • Working out whether or not we believe what we see or hear.
  • Finding out whether something is true.
  • Arguing one's case.
  • Identifying when we need more information.
  • Selecting information for a specific purpose.
There is always a connection between critical thinking and creative thinking.  Both are higher order thinking skills.

Problem solving cycle
  1. Gather and organise information
  2. Define the problem
  3. Generate approaches to solve the problem
  4. Make an action plan
  5. Monitor, check, evaluate
  6. Communicate solutions
  7. Transfer the problem solving skills learned to other problems
What thinking skills can we teach at the same time as we are teaching language?

A typology of thinking skills areas to be taught with EFL for young learners
  • Making comparisons
  • Categorising
  • Sequencing
  • Focusing attention
  • Memorising
  • Exploring space
  • Exploring time
  • Exploring numbers
  • Creating associations
  • Cause and effect
  • Making decisions
  • Solving problems
  • Creative thinking
Practical examples

1.  Where's Tom?
This is an example from Herbert Puchta and Marion William's book 'Teaching Young Learners to Think'.

It focuses on the 'exploring space' skill.  To develop this skill, students need:
  • a reference system to understand and control the space they live in.
  • a sense of position, distance, direction, proximity and dimensions.
  • the ability to imagine a change in position.  This is necessary for hypothetical thinking - the ability to imagine another viewpoint.
2.  Cars and bicycles

Draw a Venn diagram and ask the question:

What is the same and what is different between this pair of objects?
Examples:    car and bicycle
                   tree and flower
                   chair and table
                   banana and pineapple

The focus here is obviously on the skill of making comparisons, the basic building block of decision making.  This kind of activity can be introduced at beginner level.  Simply asking the question, 'What colour's my jacket?', for example, activates language, but it doesn't require any thinking on the part of the respondent.  As teachers, we need to encourage thinking.

3.  Missing information

Give three texts - three party invitations, for example, - each one with a missing piece of information (time, place, date, etc.).  Students have to work out what is missing rather than the more usual task of answering questions on what is there.

4.  Listen and imagine

Tell students to close their eyes and then play them a piece of music.  Then ask them to draw a picture inspired by the music or write down a list of words they would associate with it.  They then have to explain their picture or choice of words to a partner or small group.

Here, we are encouraging creative thinking, which, as we have already heard, is an integral part of critical thinking.

5. Cause and effect

Give students a statement and ask them if there is a cause and effect relationship in it.  For example,

Jane doesn't play any musical instruments.  Therefore, she isn't a musician.

This kind of task is suitable for intermediate level students.  They have to question whether or not there is enough information to establish a cause and effect relationship.  If not, what other information is needed?  The attention to detail required here is a great exercise for students.

To conclude:

Quoting Vygotsky's model:

Learning moves away from the goal of getting the answer correct to getting the answer correct because a specific process was used to get the answer.

Further information:

Welcome to my blog

Hi, I'm Shay and I am fairly new to blogging, I hope everyone can enjoy my article and give me some comments.
Hi everyone,  i'm Wesley ng.... i will share some interesting articles in here, please surpport and give some comments to me.